EMF Measurement
EMF measurement
EMF shielding products
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Stínící barva HSF 54 – 5 L (až 40m2)
6850 Kč

Stínící barva HSF 54 – 1 L (až 8 m2)
1950 Kč

Penetrace – 1 L (až 35 m2)
940 Kč

Uzemnění pro stínící nátěry a tapety
1450 Kč
What is EMF?
EMF is the term used to describe man-made electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields. These fields are:
Alternating electric fields (e.g., the influence of high voltage power lines, household electrical wiring, appliances, etc.).
Alternating magnetic fields (e.g., the influence of high voltage power lines as current passes through, traction current, transformers, stray currents, etc.)
DC electric field (electrostatics – influence of surfaces of synthetic materials, paints, furniture, etc.)
DC magnetic field (e.g. the effect of metal structures of houses, furniture, beds on the earth’s magnetic field or the effect of equipment on DC voltage)
High-frequency electromagnetic fields (e.g. influence of mobile phones, base stations, Wifi, WLAN, etc.)
Impact on health:
In order to protect health from intense non-ionising radiation, health standards have been established. Thermal effects are generally accepted (as recommended by ICNIRP), but non-thermal effects are still subject to scientific debate. Extensive studies on the potential harmfulness of radiation are ongoing. Many of these biological effects can reasonably be expected to cause adverse health effects with prolonged or chronic exposure. This is because they interfere with normal body processes (disrupting homeostasis), prevent the body from healing damaged DNA, cause immune system imbalances, metabolic disorders and reduce resistance to disease. Basic bodily processes can lead to disturbances in metabolic and reproductive functions through constant external electrical stress.
9 quick tips for reducing electromagnetic fields
Minimise electrical equipment in bedrooms and children's rooms.
Route all supply and extension cables away from beds and desks (min. 1m).
Use primarily a fixed internet connection.
If you are using wifi, place the transmitter outside of quiet zones and use a time clock to turn it off overnight.
Check for high voltage power lines or mobile phone transmitters near your home.
Use LED bulbs with a CRI index of 90% and a chromaticity temperature of 2700K with a low strobe effect.
Set airplane mode for mobile phones at night.
For mobile phones, use a speakerphone or headphones. Turn off data, wifi and bluetooth if you are not currently using it.
Do not wear mobile phones on your body.
Vliv na zdraví dle intenzity elektromagnetického pole

EUROPAEM EMF Guideline 2016
In the EMF Guideline 2016, the European Academy of Environmental Medicine published recommendations that are many orders of magnitude lower than the reference values set by Government Regulation No. 291/2015 Coll., on the protection of health against non-ionising radiation.
The recommendations are stated differently for living quarters and sleeping quarters. The values given in the table represent the optimal preventive health protection according to the European Academy of Environmental Medicine. They are therefore the most stringent and up-to-date recommendations. The values for GSM, UMTS, DECT, LTE should be below 100 μW/m² in living areas and below 10 μW/m² for sleeping areas.
Info: https://europaem.eu/en/library/articles/europaem-emf-guideline-2016
In 2014, maximum values of 1000 μW/m² were proposed as the sum of all immissions by the “ÄGU Doctors for a Healthy Environment” in Vienna. This is the target value for the planning of mobile phone base stations and any further minimisation should be sought. Published by Doctors for a Healthy Environment – ÄGU.
Info: http://www.aegu.net/pdf/Leitfaden.pdf
Bioinitiative 2012 – The report includes scientific findings on the topic of chronic exposure to low and high frequency electromagnetic fields in the daily lives of people around the world. It includes an assessment of the risk of brain tumors from cell phones; DNA and gene damage; effects on memory, learning, behavior, attention; sleep disruption and cancer; and neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease. Addresses effects on sperm and fertility/reproduction, effects of wireless networks on fetal and infant brain development. Mechanisms of biological action are discussed.
Info: https://bioinitiative.org/
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